Understanding Seismometers, Velocimeters, and Accelerometers: Key Differences Explained

When it comes to monitoring and analyzing seismic activity, three critical instruments come into play: seismometers, velocimeters, and accelerometers. While they all contribute to our understanding of ground motion and seismic events, they each serve distinct purposes and offer different measurements. In this blog, we’ll explore the differences between these instruments and their respective roles in seismic research and monitoring.

Seismometer: The Core of Seismic Measurement

A seismometer is the most fundamental tool for detecting and recording seismic waves. It measures the motion of the ground, including the velocity, displacement, and acceleration caused by seismic waves. Seismometers are sensitive instruments designed to capture a wide range of frequencies, making them essential for monitoring everything from minor tremors to major earthquakes.

Key Features:

  • Measures ground motion in terms of displacement, velocity, and acceleration.
  • High sensitivity and wide frequency range.
  • Essential for detecting and analyzing seismic waves.

Seismometers can be used for various applications, including earthquake detection, volcanic activity monitoring, and geophysical research. They provide comprehensive data that helps scientists understand the dynamics of seismic events and the Earth’s internal processes.

Velocimeter: Focusing on Velocity

A velocimeter, also known as a velocity meter, specifically measures the velocity of ground motion. Unlike seismometers, which can capture multiple aspects of ground movement, velocimeters are tailored to measure the speed at which the ground is moving during a seismic event.

Key Features:

  • Measures the velocity of ground motion.
  • Typically has a narrower frequency range compared to seismometers.
  • Useful for applications requiring precise velocity measurements.

Velocimeters are often used in conjunction with other instruments to provide a more detailed picture of seismic activity. They are particularly valuable in engineering applications, where understanding the speed of ground motion is crucial for designing structures that can withstand seismic forces.

Accelerometer: Capturing Acceleration

Accelerometers measure the acceleration of ground motion during seismic events. They are designed to capture rapid changes in ground motion, making them ideal for detecting the intensity of shaking. Accelerometers are commonly used in earthquake engineering to assess the impact of seismic forces on buildings and infrastructure.

Key Features:

  • Measures the acceleration of ground motion.
  • High sensitivity to rapid changes in movement.
  • Essential for earthquake engineering and structural analysis.

Accelerometers are widely used in both scientific research and practical applications. In addition to their role in earthquake engineering, they are also employed in various fields such as automotive safety, aerospace, and consumer electronics, where precise measurement of acceleration is required.

Comparing the Instruments

While seismometers, velocimeters, and accelerometers each have their unique functions, they often work together to provide a comprehensive understanding of seismic activity. Here’s a quick comparison of their primary differences:

InstrumentMeasuresFrequency RangePrimary Use
SeismometerDisplacement, velocity, and accelerationWideComprehensive seismic monitoring and research
VelocimeterVelocity of ground motionNarrower than seismometersEngineering applications and detailed velocity measurements
AccelerometerAcceleration of ground motionHigh sensitivity to rapid changesEarthquake engineering and structural analysis


Understanding the differences between seismometers, velocimeters, and accelerometers is crucial for anyone involved in seismic research, engineering, or monitoring. Each instrument plays a vital role in capturing different aspects of ground motion, providing valuable data that helps us better understand and mitigate the impacts of seismic events. By leveraging the strengths of these instruments, scientists and engineers can work together to enhance our resilience to earthquakes and other seismic hazards.

About QuakeLogic

QuakeLogic is a leading provider of advanced seismic monitoring solutions, offering a range of products and services designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of seismic data monitoring, acquisition and analysis. Our innovative technologies and expert support help organizations worldwide to better understand and mitigate the impacts of seismic events.

Contact Information

Email: sales@quakelogic.net
Phone: +1-916-899-0391
WhatsApp: +1-650-353-8627
Website: www.quakelogic.net

For more information about our products and services, please visit our website or contact our sales team. We are here to help you with all your seismic monitoring needs.

Advanced 3- and 5-Ton Shake Tables

QuakeLogic is at the forefront of seismic testing technology, offering a range of shake tables designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of seismic data acquisition and analysis. Among our premier offerings are the 3-ton and 5-ton shake tables, engineered to meet the rigorous demands of seismic testing and research.

The 3-Ton Shake Table

Our 3-ton shake table is designed to deliver high precision and reliability for a variety of seismic testing applications. Key features include:

  • Payload Capacity: Capable of handling up to 3 tons, making it ideal for medium-scale testing scenarios.
  • Frequency Range: Operates within a frequency range suitable for simulating a wide array of seismic events, ensuring comprehensive testing capabilities.
  • Motion Control: Equipped with advanced motion control systems that provide precise and repeatable movements, essential for accurate seismic simulation.
  • IP-Based Technology: All our shake tables, including the 3-ton model, are IP-based, allowing for seamless integration with modern networked environments.
  • EASYTEST Software: Comes with our EASYTEST Windows-based control software free of charge, providing an intuitive interface for test setup, execution, and data analysis.

The 5-Ton Shake Table

The 5-ton shake table by QuakeLogic offers enhanced capacity and performance for larger and more demanding seismic testing projects. Its features include:

  • Payload Capacity: Supports up to 5 tons, accommodating larger structures and components for more extensive testing.
  • Frequency Range: Designed to operate across a broad frequency spectrum, capable of replicating a wide variety of seismic waves and conditions.
  • High Precision Control: Incorporates state-of-the-art control mechanisms to ensure precise and consistent shake patterns, vital for accurate seismic assessment.
  • IP-Based Technology: Like all our shake tables, the 5-ton model is IP-based, facilitating easy integration with existing IT infrastructure.
  • EASYTEST Software: This model also includes the EASYTEST Windows-based control software at no extra cost, offering user-friendly test management and comprehensive data analysis tools.

Applications and Benefits

QuakeLogic’s shake tables are essential tools for researchers, engineers, and professionals involved in:

  • Structural Testing: Assess the resilience and performance of buildings, bridges, and other structures under simulated seismic conditions.
  • Component Testing: Test individual components such as joints, connectors, and materials to ensure they meet seismic safety standards.
  • Educational Purposes: Provide universities and research institutions with the capability to conduct advanced seismic research and training.
  • Product Development: Aid manufacturers in developing and validating products that need to withstand seismic forces.

Why Choose QuakeLogic?

Choosing QuakeLogic’s shake tables means benefiting from:

  • Advanced Technology: Our IP-based systems ensure that our shake tables integrate seamlessly with modern digital environments, offering unparalleled control and data management capabilities.
  • User-Friendly Software: EASYTEST, our Windows-based control software, is provided free with every shake table, delivering a robust and intuitive platform for all your testing needs.
  • Reliability and Precision: Our shake tables are built to deliver precise and reliable performance, essential for accurate seismic testing and research.

About QuakeLogic

QuakeLogic is a leading provider of advanced seismic monitoring solutions, offering a range of products and services designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of testing, data acquisition and analysis.

Contact Information

Email: sales@quakelogic.net
Phone: +1-916-899-0391
WhatsApp: +1-650-353-8627
Website: www.quakelogic.net

For more information about our products and services, please visit our website or contact our sales team. We are here to help you with all your testing and monitoring needs.

Thank you for considering QuakeLogic’s 3-ton and 5-ton shake tables. Our commitment to providing state-of-the-art seismic testing solutions ensures that you receive the precision, reliability, and advanced technology necessary for your seismic research and testing requirements.

Understanding the Difference Between SCOLV and SCAUTOPICK in SeisComP

SeisComP is a powerful and widely-used software package for seismic data acquisition, processing, and analysis. Within SeisComP, various modules perform specific tasks to ensure accurate and efficient seismic monitoring. Two essential modules in this suite are scolv and scautopick. While both are crucial for seismic event detection and analysis, they serve different purposes. In this blog post, we’ll explore the differences between these two modules and their unique functionalities.

SCOLV (Seismic Event Locator)


The scolv module is designed for the manual review, analysis, and location of seismic events. It provides a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows seismologists to interactively analyze seismic data, make precise adjustments to event parameters, and manually pick seismic phases.

Key Features

  • Manual Event Review and Editing: Seismologists can manually pick seismic phases (P and S waves), refine event locations, and adjust other event parameters to ensure accuracy.
  • Interactive Visualization: Offers visual tools to display seismic waveforms, travel-time curves, and station maps, making it easier to analyze data.
  • Event Confirmation and Refinement: Used to review and confirm events detected by automatic processing modules like scautopick, allowing for necessary adjustments.
  • Detailed Analysis: Provides tools for in-depth seismic analysis, including magnitude calculation and error estimation.

Usage Scenario

Scolv is typically used when a seismologist needs to manually verify and refine the details of a detected seismic event. It is essential for quality control and ensuring the accuracy of the seismic event catalog.

SCAUTOPICK (Automatic Phase Picker)


The scautopick module is an automatic phase picker that processes continuous seismic data streams to detect and pick seismic phases. It is designed to operate without manual intervention, providing real-time phase picks for event detection and location.

Key Features

  • Automatic Phase Picking: Automatically identifies and picks P and S wave arrivals from continuous seismic data, reducing the need for manual intervention.
  • Real-Time Processing: Capable of processing data in real-time, making it suitable for early warning systems and rapid event detection.
  • Integration with Other Modules: Works seamlessly with other SeisComP modules (like scanloc for automatic event location) to provide a comprehensive automated seismic monitoring solution.
  • Configurable Algorithms: Allows customization of picking algorithms and parameters to suit different seismic networks and conditions.

Usage Scenario

Scautopick is typically used in an automated seismic monitoring setup where continuous real-time data needs to be processed to detect and locate seismic events quickly. It significantly speeds up the detection process by minimizing the need for manual picks.

Summary of Differences

  • Functionality:
  • Scolv: A GUI tool for manual review, analysis, and event location.
  • Scautopick: An automated tool for real-time phase picking from continuous data streams.
  • User Interaction:
  • Scolv: Requires manual interaction and is used for detailed event analysis and quality control.
  • Scautopick: Operates automatically with minimal human intervention.
  • Use Case:
  • Scolv: Used for refining and confirming events, providing detailed analysis tools for seismologists.
  • Scautopick: Used for real-time automatic detection of seismic phases, facilitating rapid event detection and processing.
  • Output:
  • Scolv: Produces refined and verified seismic event parameters and locations.
  • Scautopick: Generates automatic phase picks used by other modules for event detection and location.

Practical Workflow

In a typical SeisComP workflow, scautopick might first detect and pick phases from incoming seismic data. These automatic picks can then be reviewed and refined using scolv, ensuring the final event catalog is accurate and reliable.

We hope you found this guide helpful. For more tips and guides on using SeisComP and other seismological tools, stay tuned to our blog. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team. Happy seismographing!

About QuakeLogic

QuakeLogic is a leading provider of advanced seismic monitoring solutions, offering a range of products and services designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of seismic data acquisition and analysis. Our innovative technologies and expert support help organizations worldwide to better understand and mitigate the impacts of seismic events.

Contact Information

  • Email: sales@quakelogic.net
  • Phone: +1-916-899-0391
  • WhatsApp: +1-650-353-8627
  • Website: www.quakelogic.net

For more information about our products and services, please visit our website or contact our sales team. We are here to help you with all your seismic monitoring needs.

Thank you for choosing QuakeLogic. We look forward to assisting you with your seismic monitoring projects.