Understanding OCTAVE Analysis and Vibration Data Analysis

Ground vibrations can arise from various sources such as construction activities, heavy machinery, or blasting operations. These vibrations can significantly impact buildings and structures, both in terms of structural integrity and human comfort. At QuakeLogic, we employ advanced techniques and tools like accelerographs and seismographs to measure and record ground vibrations accurately. This blog will delve into the specifics of OCTAVE analysis and vibration data analysis, highlighting the methods and metrics we use to ensure precise vibration assessment and mitigation.

Measuring Ground Vibrations

Ground vibrations on buildings or structures are typically measured outside the structure and at ground level. This approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of how vibrations affect the overall stability and integrity of the structure.

Importance of Frequency Analysis

Frequency analysis of vibrations is crucial for determining the necessary mitigation measures. Third-octave data is particularly useful in specifying the requirements for building foundations, ensuring that structures can withstand the expected vibration levels.

Third-Octave Analysis Metrics

The third-octave analysis involves computing the following key metrics:

  • Vibration Dose Value (VDV)
  • Peak Particle Velocity (PPV)
  • Dominant Site Frequency

Vibration Dose Value (VDV)

Vibration Dose Value (VDV) combines the magnitude of vibration and the duration of exposure. It measures human exposure to vibration within structures, particularly buildings. VDV quantifies vibrations as an exposure dose based on frequency (4.5 Hz to 80 Hz), amplitude, and regularity.

Formula for VDV:


  • VDV is the vibration dose value in m/s(^{1.75})
  • ( a(t) ) is the acceleration in m/s(^2)
  • ( T ) is the total measurement period in seconds

The VDV formula uses the root-mean-square acceleration raised to the fourth power, known as the root-mean-quad method, making it highly sensitive to peaks in acceleration levels.

Peak Particle Velocity (PPV)

PPV measures the maximum instantaneous velocity of ground particles and is expressed in mm/s. It refers to the internal movement of molecular particles within the ground rather than surface displacement. Typical environmental ground vibrations range from 1 Hz to 200 Hz.

Sources of ground vibrations at construction sites include pile driving, dynamic compaction, blasting, and heavy equipment operation. These vibrations can range from disturbing residents to causing visible structural damage.

Dominant Frequency

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Power Spectral Density (PSD) are powerful tools used to convert vibration signals from the time domain to the frequency domain. FFTs are suitable for analyzing vibrations with dominant frequency components, while PSDs are ideal for characterizing random vibration signals like ambient measurements.

Human Comfort and Noise Determination

Human comfort is significantly impacted by vibrations and noise. Vibrations can cause discomfort, annoyance, and even health issues for occupants of buildings. By conducting detailed OCTAVE analysis, we can determine the levels of vibration that affect human comfort and establish mitigation measures to reduce these impacts.

Noise and Human Comfort:

  • VDV is used to quantify the vibration exposure that affects human comfort, particularly in residential and office buildings.
  • PPV and dominant frequency analyses help in understanding the specific sources of vibration and noise, allowing for targeted mitigation strategies.
  • Standards like ISO 2631-2:2003 “Mechanical vibration and shock – Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration” provide guidelines for acceptable vibration levels to ensure human comfort.

Measurement Methodology

Standards and Reference Guides

  • British Standard BS 6472-1:2013: Guide to evaluation of human exposure to vibration in buildings – Vibration sources other than blasting.
  • British Standard BS 7385-2:1993: Evaluation and measurement for vibration in buildings – Guide to damage levels from ground-borne vibration.
  • International Standard ISO 4866:2010: Mechanical vibration and shock measurement – Vibration of fixed structures – Guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on structures.
  • International Standard ISO 2631-2:2003: Mechanical vibration and shock – Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration – Part 2: Vibration in buildings (1 Hz to 80 Hz).
  • International Standard ISO 5348:1998: Mechanical vibration and shock – Mechanical mounting of accelerometers.
  • DIN 4150-3:1999: Structural vibration – Part 3: Effects of vibration on structures.


  • VDV Measurements: Made triaxially (X, Y, and Z axes) across the frequency range of 0.5 Hz to 80 Hz in 1/3-octave bands, following BS 6472-1:2013 guidelines.
  • PPV Measurements: Made triaxially across the frequency range of 4 Hz to 250 Hz in 1/3-octave bands, following ISO 4866:2010 and BS 7385-2:1993 guidelines.


Ground vibrations can pose serious risks to structures and human comfort. Through detailed OCTAVE analysis and vibration data analysis, QuakeLogic provides accurate and comprehensive solutions to monitor and mitigate these impacts effectively.

About QuakeLogic

QuakeLogic is a leading provider of advanced seismic and vibration monitoring solutions, offering a range of products and services designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of seismic data acquisition and analysis. Our innovative technologies and expert support help organizations worldwide to better understand and mitigate the impacts of seismic events.

Contact Information:

  • Email: sales@quakelogic.net
  • Phone: +1-916-899-0391
  • WhatsApp: +1-650-353-8627
  • Website: www.quakelogic.net

For more information about our products and services, please visit our website or contact our sales team. We are here to help you with all your seismic monitoring needs.

Thank you for choosing QuakeLogic. We look forward to assisting you with your seismic monitoring projects.

How to Download Waveform Data from SeisComP

Downloading waveform data from SeisComP can be essential for various seismological research and analysis tasks. Whether you’re a seasoned seismologist or a beginner, understanding the different methods available for extracting this data can enhance your workflow. In this blog post, we will walk you through three main methods to download waveform data from SeisComP: using the fdsnws_fetch command, employing a Python script with ObsPy, and leveraging the SeisComP graphical user interface (GUI).

Method 1: Using fdsnws_fetch Command

SeisComP provides a handy command-line utility called fdsnws_fetch for downloading waveform data from FDSN web services. Here’s how you can use it:

  1. Install fdsnws_fetch:
    Make sure fdsnws_fetch is installed on your system. It usually comes bundled with SeisComP, but if not, you can install it separately.
  2. Execute fdsnws_fetch:
    Open your terminal and run the following command:
   fdsnws_fetch -H <your_seiscomp_server> -N <network> -S <station> -L <location> -C <channel> -s <start_time> -e <end_time> -o <output_file>

Replace the placeholders with appropriate values:

  • <your_seiscomp_server>: Your SeisComP server address.
  • <network>: Network code (e.g., IU).
  • <station>: Station code (e.g., ANMO).
  • <location>: Location code (e.g., 00).
  • <channel>: Channel code (e.g., BHZ).
  • <start_time>: Start time in ISO format (e.g., 2024-07-01T00:00:00).
  • <end_time>: End time in ISO format (e.g., 2024-07-01T01:00:00).
  • <output_file>: Path to save the output file (e.g., waveform.mseed).

Method 2: Using Python Script with ObsPy

ObsPy is a powerful Python library for seismology that can be used to download waveform data from SeisComP. Follow these steps:

  1. Install ObsPy:
    First, install ObsPy by running:
   pip install obspy
  1. Download Waveform Data:
    Use the following Python script to download the data:
   from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
   from obspy import UTCDateTime

   client = Client("http://<your_seiscomp_server>/fdsnws")

   network = "<network>"
   station = "<station>"
   location = "<location>"
   channel = "<channel>"
   start_time = UTCDateTime("2024-07-01T00:00:00")
   end_time = UTCDateTime("2024-07-01T01:00:00")

   st = client.get_waveforms(network, station, location, channel, start_time, end_time)
   st.write("waveform.mseed", format="MSEED")

Be sure to replace the placeholders with your specific values.

Method 3: Using SeisComP GUI

If you prefer a graphical approach, SeisComP provides a user-friendly GUI for data downloading:

  1. Open SeisComP GUI:
    Launch the SeisComP Monitoring Viewer (scmv) or SeisComP Online Visualization (scolv).
  2. Select the Event:
    Navigate to the event of interest in the GUI.
  3. Download Data:
    Use the waveform download option to specify the time range, network, station, and channels, then proceed to download the data.

Additional Tips

  • Check Access Permissions: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to access and download data from the SeisComP server.
  • Consult Documentation: Refer to the SeisComP documentation for detailed instructions and options specific to your setup.
  • Use Filters: Apply filters to the data as needed to focus on specific signals or reduce noise.

By following these methods, you can efficiently download and manage waveform data from SeisComP, aiding in your seismological research and analysis. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out!

About QuakeLogic

QuakeLogic is a leading provider of advanced seismic monitoring solutions, offering a range of products and services designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of seismic data acquisition and analysis. Our innovative technologies and expert support help organizations worldwide to better understand and mitigate the impacts of seismic events.

Contact Information:

  • Email: sales@quakelogic.net
  • Phone: +1-916-899-0391
  • WhatsApp: +1-650-353-8627
  • Websitewww.quakelogic.net

For more information about our products and services, please visit our website or contact our sales team. We are here to help you with all your seismic monitoring needs.

Thank you for choosing QuakeLogic. We look forward to assisting you with your seismic monitoring projects.

QuakeLogic’s Watchdog – QUAKEDOG: Real-Time Monitoring for Seismic Station Health

Seismic monitoring is a critical component in understanding and mitigating the impacts of earthquakes. Ensuring the reliability and accuracy of seismic data requires robust systems that can continuously monitor the health of seismic stations. QuakeLogic introduces its advanced Watchdog system, designed to provide real-time monitoring and ensure the optimal performance of seismic networks.

The Importance of State-of-Health Monitoring

Seismic stations are equipped with various sensors and digitizers that collect vital data on seismic activity. The continuous operation and accuracy of these components are essential for capturing high-quality seismic data. Any disruption or malfunction can lead to data loss or inaccurate readings, which can significantly affect seismic analysis and emergency response.

This is where QuakeLogic’s Watchdog system, so called QUAKEDOG, comes into play. By continuously monitoring the state-of-health (SOH) of each seismic station, the QUAKEDOG ensures that all components are functioning correctly and efficiently.

Key Features of QuakeLogic’s QUAKEDOG Watchdog System

  1. Real-Time Monitoring: The Watchdog system provides real-time monitoring of all seismic stations, ensuring that any issues are detected immediately. This continuous oversight allows for prompt intervention and minimizes the risk of data loss.
  2. Comprehensive SOH Data Processing: The system processes a wide range of SOH messages from dataloggers, including battery levels, data processing status, memory usage, GPS lock status, and more. By analyzing these parameters, the Watchdog can identify potential problems before they escalate.
  3. Automated Alerts and Notifications: When an anomaly is detected, the Watchdog system sends automated alerts to the technical team. These alerts ensure that the team is immediately aware of any issues and can take swift action to resolve them.
  4. Detailed Reporting: The Watchdog generates comprehensive reports on the health and performance of the seismic network. These reports provide valuable insights for maintenance planning, system upgrades, and overall network management.
  5. Proactive Issue Detection: The system’s proactive approach to issue detection helps in maintaining the integrity and reliability of the seismic network. By addressing problems early, the Watchdog prevents minor issues from becoming major disruptions.
  6. Enhanced Data Quality: With the Watchdog in place, seismic stations can consistently produce high-quality data. This is crucial for accurate seismic analysis, research, and emergency preparedness.

Benefits of Implementing QuakeLogic’s Watchdog

  • Increased Reliability: Continuous monitoring and immediate alerts ensure that seismic stations operate reliably, reducing downtime and data loss.
  • Improved Efficiency: Automated monitoring and reporting streamline the management of the seismic network, allowing technical teams to focus on critical tasks.
  • Cost Savings: Early detection and resolution of issues prevent costly repairs and system failures, optimizing the overall maintenance budget.
  • Better Data Quality: Reliable operation of seismic stations results in higher-quality data, enhancing the accuracy of seismic analysis and research.

Why Choose QuakeLogic’s Watchdog?

QuakeLogic is committed to providing advanced seismic monitoring solutions that enhance the accuracy and efficiency of seismic data acquisition and analysis. Our Watchdog system is designed with the latest technology to offer unparalleled real-time monitoring and support for seismic networks.

By implementing QuakeLogic’s Watchdog, organizations can ensure that their seismic stations are always in optimal condition, ready to capture vital data when it matters most. This system is an essential tool for any organization committed to seismic research and safety.


In the realm of seismic monitoring, the health and performance of seismic stations are paramount. QuakeLogic’s Watchdog system provides a comprehensive solution for real-time monitoring, ensuring that all components of the seismic network are functioning correctly. With features like real-time monitoring, automated alerts, detailed reporting, and proactive issue detection, the Watchdog system enhances the reliability and efficiency of seismic networks.

For more information on how QuakeLogic’s Watchdog can benefit your seismic monitoring operations, contact our team today. Ensure your seismic network’s health and performance with QuakeLogic’s cutting-edge technology.

About QuakeLogic

QuakeLogic is a leading provider of advanced seismic monitoring solutions, offering a range of products and services designed to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of seismic data acquisition and analysis. Our innovative technologies and expert support help organizations worldwide to better understand and mitigate the impacts of seismic events.

Contact Information:

  • Email: sales@quakelogic.net
  • Phone: +1-916-899-0391
  • WhatsApp: +1-650-353-8627
  • Website: www.quakelogic.net

For more information about our products and services, please visit our website or contact our sales team. We are here to help you with all your seismic monitoring needs.

Thank you for choosing QuakeLogic. We look forward to assisting you with your seismic monitoring projects.