Why QuakeLogic/TDG’s Portable Bi-Axial Shake Table is the Superior Choice Compared to Quanser’s Biaxial Shake Table II

Selecting the right shake table for research, testing, and educational purposes requires careful consideration of design, performance, longevity, and overall user experience. Both QuakeLogic/TDG and Quanser offer bi-axial shake tables, there are key differences that make the QuakeLogic/TDG Portable Bi-Axial Shake Table (Servo Motor) the clear choice for clients seeking a superior, user-friendly, and high-performance solution.

Below, we outline the primary advantages that set our equipment (shown on the left) apart from Quanser’s (shown on the right).

1. Higher Operating Frequency and Larger Payload Capacity

QuakeLogic/TDG’s biaxial shake table operates at a maximum frequency of 20 Hz, which is double that of Quanser’s biaxial shake table II (10 Hz). This higher frequency allows for a wider range of testing scenarios, especially when high-frequency vibrations or accelerations are involved.

Additionally, our equipment offers a larger payload area of 500×500 mm and a maximum stroke of ±100 mm, enabling the testing of larger and heavier models. Quanser’s smaller payload area (460×460 mm) and smaller stroke (±76.2 mm) limit its capacity to accommodate similar testing scenarios.

QuakeLogic/TDG’s shake table has a capacity of 50 kg at 2g peak acceleration simultaneously in both the X and Y directions. In contrast, Quanser’s shake table can only achieve a maximum acceleration of 1.0g in the X direction and 2.5g in the Y direction with a significantly lower payload of 7.5 kg. This makes our shake table far superior in terms of handling larger payloads with higher and more balanced acceleration across both axes. In fact, at 7.5 kg payload our shake table can achieve more than 4 g acceleration in both the X and Y directions.

2. Software Integration: EasyTest Software vs. Third-Party MATLAB Solutions

One of our biaxial shake table’s greatest strengths is the inclusion of its proprietary EasyTest Software, which provides an intuitive, comprehensive interface for operating the shake table. EasyTest is fully integrated with the hardware, meaning there is no need for costly third-party software.

On the other hand, Quanser’s system requires the purchase of MATLAB/Simulink, along with toolboxes to operate the system. This dramatically increases the overall cost and complexity of using the system. QuakeLogic/TDG’s system is ready to use out of the box.

3. Durability and Dust Protection

Durability is another area where QuakeLogic/TDG’s system excels. Our Portable Bi-Axial Shake Table is equipped with dust covers that protect the internal components from environmental contaminants, extending the system’s operational life. These protective features ensure consistent performance over time, even in challenging environments.

By contrast, Quanser’s shake table has exposed components, including rails, making it more susceptible to dust, debris and falling objects during the testing. Over time, this exposure can degrade the system’s performance and shorten its lifespan, leading to higher maintenance costs and reduced reliability.

4. Remote Control and User-Friendly Operation

The QuakeLogic/TDG system is IP-based, allowing for remote control and monitoring—an essential feature for modern testing environments. This flexibility enables users to operate the system remotely, improving the efficiency and convenience of testing workflows.

Furthermore, QuakeLogic’s EasyTest Software ensures that users can quickly set up and conduct tests without needing specialized programming skills or additional training. Quanser’s reliance on MATLAB/Simulink, however, adds an extra layer of complexity and operational difficulty.

5. Aesthetic and Practical Design

QuakeLogic’s Portable Bi-Axial Shake Table boasts a compact, visually appealing design with a dust-protected structure, making it ideal for educational and research labs. In contrast, Quanser’s system, with its exposed components, is not only less visually appealing but also less practical in terms of maintenance and long-term durability. QuakeLogic’s polished and professional appearance reflects the advanced engineering inside, making it the better option for clients who value both form and function.

6. Comparing Technical Specifications

When comparing the technical specifications of QuakeLogic/TDG’s shake table with those of Quanser’s, the differences are striking:

FeatureQuanser Biaxial Shake Table IIQuakeLogic/TDG Portable Bi-Axial Shake Table
Dimensions610 x 460 mm x 130 mm800 x 800 x 225 mm
Total Weight27.2 kg78 kg
Top Stage Dimensions460 x 460 mm500 x 500 mm
Maximum Travel (Stroke)±76.2 mm±100 mm
Maximum Acceleration2.5 g with 7.5 kg payload±2 g with 50 kg payload
±1 g with 100 kg payload
Maximum Velocity399 mm/s1,000 mm/s
Operational Bandwidth (Frequency)10 Hz20 Hz

8. Conclusion: A Superior and Cost-Effective Solution

In comparing the QuakeLogic/TDG Portable Bi-Axial Shake Table with the Quanser Biaxial Shake Table II, QuakeLogic’s advantages are evident. With a specifically engineered bi-axial design, integrated EasyTest software, superior mechanical components, dust protection, and greater operational frequency and payload capacity, our system delivers a high-performance yet cost-effective solution.

Clients such as NOKIA-BELLS-LAB have praised the ease of setup and exceptional performance of our shake table. The EasyTest software stands out for its intuitive design, allowing users to focus on testing rather than on lengthy configurations or troubleshooting.

For anyone in need of a reliable, easy-to-use shake table that minimizes setup time and maximizes operational efficiency, QuakeLogic’s Portable Bi-Axial Shake Table is the ideal choice. Its seamless user experience and long-term reliability make it perfect for research institutions, universities, and industries dedicated to seismic and vibration analysis.

To learn about our biaxial shake table, please visit the product page HERE.


Technical specifications for the Quanser Shake Table II were sourced from the official Quanser website.

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